This will be my first time doing a so called TTT and this weeks topic is Books that makes you think.
So here is the top ten list of books that makes me think about the world, life, people and etc:
This book makes me think about how awful life can be if you are born in a family that includes a mother that shouldn't have had any children by the way she had threatend Dave and his siblings.
The reason I took this one is because we people are very good to judge people by what they are doing for a living or for their lifestyle.
Yes, Jenna Jameson is a porn star but she had an awful background in how she got in the showbiz and after I read this one I was chocked and I acctually loved this book.
This one is a book that made me think about how people can do things like kidnap a little girl and lock her in but it also made me think about how strong miss Kampusch has gotten after the abduction.
I remember I loved this movie very much but I did always asked myself how can people be so mean to other people just because they don't have a lot of money and also how you can put a child in work at that low age.
Yes, I know it was that way ages ago but even there are still poor children that get so called slaveworks just because they need the money.
When it comes to the books about Harry Potter that makes me think about how awesome and fun it would have been if life sometimes could be like in Harry Potter's world without the horrible accidents and without you know who.
Wouldn't you guys like if life sometimes could be like in this character world?
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks is a romantic book and movie that I really admire.
This book makes me think about life when I get older since I too want to die old with the person I love and have it like the old couple have it without the alzheimer.
This one makes me think about life and chooses we have to make.
Big Brother is watching us all and so is it in this book too.
This is a great story that make us see how people can change and what stupid mistakes some of us can choose 'cause what is the meaning of living a life looking beautiful and not age when the person you love will change and grow old or when the people that is in your life gets old and dies?
This makes me think about how greedy we people can get sometimes.
What books can I find at your list?
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